Why You Should Go To The OBGYN Even After Having Children

Some people believe that if they have already had children, they no longer need to go to the gynecologist, but there is still a need to go to the gynecologist for a checkup and for treatment as required. There are also other health concerns that should be monitored and other feminine health concerns that you should pay attention to and can consult your gynecologist about as well. If you haven't been to the gynecologist for some time, there are several reasons why you need to go. Read More 

How Weight Management Can Help You With Fertility

In many ways, your fertility and your weight management go hand in hand. If your OBGYN mentions weight management to you as part of your pregnancy plan, then it's important that you understand why they may make this statement to you. You can lose weight, or manage your current weight, to help you be more fertile and get pregnant. If you are underweight,  then managing a healthy weight for your age and height can be beneficial in leading to a positive pregnancy as well. Read More